Ten Things to Eat Before a Workout

Learn what to eat before a workout to maintain good energy levels.

pre workout foods

We have all been told not to eat 30 minutes before we run to prevent cramping, but the truth is, if we don’t eat before we work out, we won’t have any energy. The golden rule for this is, if you are working out for less than an hour, you probably don’t really need to eat beforehand. Anything more will deplete your stores of energy, so you should consider indulging in the right foods to give your body what it needs to grow.

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If you time your pre-workout snacks, you can fuel your body properly and even help it burn fat and recover more quickly. The goal is to eat a small snack 45-60 minutes before your workout. These ten options should give you some ideas:

Whole orange smoothie with protein powder.

High protein oatmeal with crunchy natural peanut butter

Apple slices, with peanut butter and raisins

Fresh strawberry parfait with cottage cheese

Hard boiled egg on avocado toast

Peanut butter and banana sandwich

Small turkey avocado wrap

Hummus with vegetables for dipping

Rice cakes with almond butter

DIY peanut butter energy balls

If you want the actual recipes for these delicious snacks, they can be found here. 

As always, just keep in mind that the more small, healthy snacks you eat during the day, the easier time you will have metabolizing food, losing weight, and staying fit.


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Published by karenmsutton

HSS Orthopaedic surgeon in sports medicine | Mother of 4 amazing children | Team physician for USA Women's Lacrosse | ACL injury expert

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