Five Sports You Can Start as an Adult

Sometimes, beginning a sport as an adult can be a little daunting.

aerial gymnast

When we are kids, jumping in and out of various sports is easy. We haven’t really developed the fear of trying new things that seems to come with adulthood, and our bones haven’t started to ache, so there is no reason not to try something new.

As we get older we start to put more mental barriers in place, and may even lose the child-like wonder that drew us to sports as children. This is especially tragic for athletes who competed and played throughout their teens, but then dropped the habit as soon as adulthood kicked in.

The truth however, is that its never to late to start a new sport. The sports on these list are pretty easy to pick up, even if you have little to no experience. Some of them are a little nontraditional, which is good because you can always convince adventurous friends to go with you. Here are a few new things to try, if you are an adult who wants to get into a new sport, but isn’t sure where to start.

READ MORE: How to Choose Age Appropriate Sports For Your Kids

Dodgeball is something you may have hated as a kid, but it is really fun as an adult, especially when you play with frenemies.

Indoor rock climbing. All you need is a little upper body strength to rock climb, and there are plenty of safeties in place, should you lose your grip.

Aerial silk classes have been all over the Internet lately. If you have ever dreamed of joining the circus, this may be a good option for you.

Roller derby has become a lot more popular lately, which is good because all you have to do is be able to roller skate.

Kickball is a childhood favorite that has seen a resurgence with adults in the past few years.

Frisbee is a pretty easy sport that offers a lot of opportunity to run and jump, so it’s great for cardio.

Published by karenmsutton

HSS Orthopaedic surgeon in sports medicine | Mother of 4 amazing children | Team physician for USA Women's Lacrosse | ACL injury expert

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