Can Stem Cells Treat Arthritis and Joint Pain?

Most people have a basic understanding of what stem cells are, but don’t really know how they work. Hopefully I can shed some light on that, and explain how stem cells can be used as a possible for arthritis and joint pain. Now that we are pairing DNA research with diseases like arthritis, we areContinueContinue reading “Can Stem Cells Treat Arthritis and Joint Pain?”

Is Social Media Affecting Your Mood? Learn to Control It

We may not realize it, but social media can affect the way we feel about ourselves. We are living in a very interesting time. Social media not only connects us to all of the people in our social circles, but it also exposes us to more news, more media, and much more information than weContinueContinue reading “Is Social Media Affecting Your Mood? Learn to Control It”

The Pros and Cons of Caffeine Consumption

Caffeine is widely considered to be bad for your health, but there are some little known benefits, too. We have all heard stories about how caffeine can affect your body. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, caffeine is technically a legal drug, with withdrawal symptoms such as headache, drowsiness, and decreasedContinueContinue reading “The Pros and Cons of Caffeine Consumption”

Can Too Many Selfies Be Bad For Your Health?

In the age of technology, it makes perfect sense that new injuries are emerging. We are living in a very interesting age. Technology has become more available and prevalent than ever, so it follows that people are finding new ways to injure themselves. Gone are the simple days of Carpal Tunnel, and neck strain. TheseContinueContinue reading “Can Too Many Selfies Be Bad For Your Health?”

Reasons Women Should Eat More Fiber

Most people don’t get nearly the amount of fiber their bodies need. Fiber is one of those things that most people don’t normally think about in their every day lives. The CDC recommends that women get about 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 consumed calories, which adds up to about 26 grams of fiberContinueContinue reading “Reasons Women Should Eat More Fiber”

Can Yoga Help Heal Depression?

Discover the effects of regular yoga on depression. It doesn’t matter if you are a housewife or an award winning athlete, depression is something that most of us cannot escape. Every year, depression affects approximately 14.8 million Americans, or roughly 6.7 percent of the US population age 18 and older. As many as one inContinueContinue reading “Can Yoga Help Heal Depression?”

How to Pinpoint What Triggers Your Migraines

Facts that you need to know if you suffer from migraines. Migraine headaches affect 29.5 million Americans, and if you have ever had one, you know how debilitating they can really be. Migraine symptoms involve intense, throbbing pain on one, or both sides of the head and can cause nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to lightContinueContinue reading “How to Pinpoint What Triggers Your Migraines”

Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk of UTI’s and Infections?

New research suggests that regular exercise can help protect you against bacterial infections. If you have ever had a urinary tract infection, you know that they are no walk in the park (no pun intended). I am sure you have been told that you should always pee after sex to reduce your chances, but whatContinueContinue reading “Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk of UTI’s and Infections?”

Instant Stress Relief: The 30 Second Meditation

Discover how to calm down and refocus your energy in just 30 seconds. As a medical professional, I am always in favor of anything that helps relieve stress, especially meditation. As a working mother however, I understand that other working mothers probably roll their eyes at the word meditation. As someone who has tried andContinueContinue reading “Instant Stress Relief: The 30 Second Meditation”

How to Learn to Love Exercise

You are much more likely to commit to fitness if you actually enjoy it. To most people, the idea of exercising brings up all kinds of negative emotions, from laziness to pure dread. It’s no secret that exercise can be hard, and most people would prefer a quick fix, or a long bout of procrastinationContinueContinue reading “How to Learn to Love Exercise”

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