How to Make a Sprained Ankle Heal Faster

Nobody likes a sprained ankle, but there are ways to speed up the healing process. Any athlete can tell you, a sprained ankle is no picnic. Every day in our country, 25,000 people sprain their ankle. Every year, 1 million people visit the ER because of sprains. Aside from fractures, sprains are the most commonContinueContinue reading “How to Make a Sprained Ankle Heal Faster”

Getting an Athlete Through an Injury—Top Five Tips

Most athletes will suffer an injury at some point in their sports career, but all obstacles can be overcome. We have all known someone going through a tough injury and trying to get back to their sport—could have been you, your favorite professional athlete, your daughter or son or your teammate. It is not easy.ContinueContinue reading “Getting an Athlete Through an Injury—Top Five Tips”