Five Tips For Breast Pumping

Helpful tips for pumping milk (not iron).

breast pumping

After Donald Trump allegedly said breast pumping was “disgusting” to a working mom attorney, I would like to bring “pumping” public and CONGRATULATE those of you who pump for your baby. I would also like to congratulate the woman in the photo above, because she looks like she is really enjoying the experience.

Here are some quick tips to assist you in your goal to nourish your most precious little one:

  1. After you feed your baby in the morning, pump milk to stock up your reserve. Milk production is highest in the morning. Usually, even after your baby feeds, you will have some extra milk volume first thing in the morning.
  2. Make pumping as easy as possible. Use a hands free accessory, have an ultra-portable pump that doesn’t have to be plugged in (Medela Freestyle), keep a pump in the bathroom so you pump while doing your make-up. Some hands free accessories include the Easy Expression Bustier,’s rubber band trick , and Freemies (does not work with all systems).
  3. Take supplements. Your breast milk may go down if you are heading back to work—but boost it up again with a supplement(s) that include fenugreek, thistle herb, nettle herb and fennel seed. This can come in pill form, liquid, adding it to your meal. Lactation cookies are scrumptious and can boost your milk supply. Here is a sample recipe by BridgetMarie:
  4. Work with and adjust your breast pump. Increase the setting to a number that is high, but tolerable. If you are looking to try to increase your volume of milk, consider pumping for a couple minutes extra after you feel like you have emptied out your breasts. Also, if you child is starting to sleep through the night, pump once before you go to bed. Your milk supply may drop as your baby’s frequency of feeding goes down at night and you are at work during the day.
  5. Use appropriate sized flanges (the trumpet-like things that you place on your breast). Pumping is not comfortable to begin with so use any extra tools possible to make it so. Sizes of flanges are from 21-36 mm with 24-27 mm as the average. As you are pumping make sure your areola is free in the tunnel of the pump. The nipple should move freely in the tunnel. You should feel as though the breast is emptying all over.

 READ MORE: Busy Mom Fitness: The Playground Workout

MOST IMPORTANTLY, MANY KUDOS for working so hard to make milk for your beautiful baby!!!

Published by karenmsutton

HSS Orthopaedic surgeon in sports medicine | Mother of 4 amazing children | Team physician for USA Women's Lacrosse | ACL injury expert

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