Can Mushrooms Help Prevent Memory Loss and Aging?

Are mushrooms an actual ‘brain food’?

The most important aspect of your overall health is nutrition. Without proper nutrition, none of your body’s systems can function properly. I know we like to think we can subsist on a diet of coffee and optimism, but the truth is, our health depends greatly on what we put into our body.

That being said, I invite you to consider the mushroom. Not only are mushrooms a delicious fungi to slap on top of a pizza, but research has proven that they are actually a valuable resource to our diets in terms of brain function and the prevention of cognitive decline.

Mushrooms contain high amounts of ergothioneine and glutathione, two antioxidants that are effective ways to prevent aging. Seniors who eat more than two servings of mushrooms per week can cut their risk of mild cognitive impairment by as much as fifty percent.

Oxidation and free radicals are well-known to be a cause of aging. The antioxidants in mushrooms can combat this, and prevent MCI from becoming a more serious disease such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Mushrooms also contain chemicals that help with neuron synthesis, such as hericenones, erinacenes, scabronines, and dictyophorines. They help keep old neurons alive, and promote the grown of new ones.

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Aside from the fact that they are great for your brain, there are other reasons to add mushrooms to your daily diet.

Mushrooms are high in folate, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins, which can help prevent many ailments including cardiovascular disease and Diabetes.

The moral of the story here is, eat more mushrooms. I know mushrooms may be an acquired taste for some, but the health benefits for your body and brain cannot be denied.

Published by karenmsutton

HSS Orthopaedic surgeon in sports medicine | Mother of 4 amazing children | Team physician for USA Women's Lacrosse | ACL injury expert

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