Should You Be Wearing a Mask at the Gym?

Covid-19 mask mandates are returning.

It’s been a nice, mask-free summer for those of use that are vaccinated, but with the Delta Variant on the rise, many states are considering more mask mandates, for everyone.

Right now only certain states are suggesting that we once again don our masks, but currently the masks are only suggested, meaning that it is still our choice.

Many of us have been going to the gym mask-free this summer, and the thought of covering our faces again undoubtedly fills us with a light sense of dread.

That being said, should you be wearing one anyway?

First off, I would say that you need to listen to your local governments regarding mask mandates. If they are suggesting masks, it is because the Delta Variant is likely effecting your community in higher numbers than other areas, and wearing a mask will both reduce your chances of getting it, as well as protect the people around you.

READ MORE: 3 Workout-Friendly Face Masks

The gym is one place where you should probably consider wearing masks anyway. The high levels of traffic, as well as the amount of people touching the same machines all day should be reason enough.

On top of that, people that exercise regularly are more likely to take their fitness seriously, and suffer more from complications of both Covid-19 and the Delta Variant. Even vaccinated people can get the variant, and the long term side effects can take a toll on your ability to do any physical activity, especially working out.

People who frequent the gym are also more likely to care about their physical appearance, so if you think wearing a mask is bad, imagine what having to skip the gym for a few months will make you feel like.

Wearing a mask also covers half your face, so you can worry less about what you look like and more about your workout routine and proper form.

In times like these we have to listen to the mandates and suggestions of our governments, and make the right decisions for our family, and communities.

So if wearing a mask doesn’t really bother you all that much, you should consider it at the gym, regardless of your vaccination status. We go to the gym to be healthy, after all. There is nothing more healthy than avoiding a potentially deadly disease by being a little more cautious.

Published by karenmsutton

HSS Orthopaedic surgeon in sports medicine | Mother of 4 amazing children | Team physician for USA Women's Lacrosse | ACL injury expert

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