Five Surprising Superfoods to Try

It’s never a bad time to add superfoods to your diet. Spring is around the corner again, so we are probably all spending a little more time thinking about our diets. When I say ‘diets’, I mean that general rule book of what you put into your body, which has probably completely gone out theContinueContinue reading “Five Surprising Superfoods to Try”

Five Filling Snacks to Help You Eat Healthy

Finding healthy snacks that keep you full is integral to a successful diet plan. Ask anyone who has ever tried one, and they will tell you that the hardest part of sticking to a diet, is discipline. I’m not talking about fad diets that you try for a few months, or restrictive diets and juiceContinueContinue reading “Five Filling Snacks to Help You Eat Healthy”

Balance Your Thyroid by Eating This Nut Every Day

The Brazil nut is a miracle nut in terms of selenium levels. As a medical professional and a mother, I am always in support of finding new ways to get the body all the nutrients it needs through different sources. If you have the internet you have probably heard of a Brazil nut, but youContinueContinue reading “Balance Your Thyroid by Eating This Nut Every Day”

Five Foods to Stop Buying Now

Making the right food choices is instrumental in any fitness or weight-loss plan. For most people, food is one of the most difficult things to control. If you are a working mom like me, then you know that during the day it is difficult to make healthy food choices, when non-healthy food options are soContinueContinue reading “Five Foods to Stop Buying Now”

Five Foods with More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Everyone knows that oranges contain vitamin C, but there are plenty of other ways to up your intake of this important substance. Vitamin C is probably the most popular of vitamins, as we are all reminded every time we see a commercial for Florida orange juice, regardless of where we may live. Whenever we noticeContinueContinue reading “Five Foods with More Vitamin C Than Oranges”

Five Tips to Help Keep Weight Off Forever

Losing weight and keeping it off are often two different things. For many people, losing weight is much easier than kissing it goodbye forever. The reason for this is that losing weight only requires a short term goal and some discipline. Changing your diet forever and adopting a healthier lifestyle is often a much loftierContinueContinue reading “Five Tips to Help Keep Weight Off Forever”

How to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease with Your Diet

Studies show that the MIND diet could help combat Alzheimer’s disease. When it comes to fad diets, I always say to steer clear of them since they may help accomplish your goals in the short term, but it is much healthier to just adopt healthy eating as a lifestyle overall. The MIND diet is worthContinueContinue reading “How to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease with Your Diet”

Trick Yourself into Healthy Eating

These tips and tricks will help you make smarter food choices. I always tell people that if you are going to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, eating healthy food has to become a constant habit. Trying diets upon diets that don’t really work are easy short-term fixes, but if you want to get atContinueContinue reading “Trick Yourself into Healthy Eating”

How to Teach Your Kids to Eat Healthy for Life

Getting your children to eat healthy is hard, so how do we teach them to eat healthy for the rest of their lives? As a mother, I know that we are always faced with the decision of cooking something healthy for our kids, or taking the easy way out and getting takeout. Even the strongestContinueContinue reading “How to Teach Your Kids to Eat Healthy for Life”

Fiver Superfoods You Should Eat More Often

Adding more superfoods to your diet is a great way to stay healthy. I know there has always been a debate about what constitutes a ‘superfood’, but for the intents and purposes of this article, superfoods are just antioxidant rich foods that will help keep your health up, if you can manage to indulge inContinueContinue reading “Fiver Superfoods You Should Eat More Often”

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