How to Create Boundaries for the Holidays

Setting boundaries can help you navigate your anxiety during the holiday season. For some, the winter holiday season is a time to reconnect with family members, enjoy each other’s company, and create quality memories for the future. For others, it’s a hard-to-navigate hellscape of conversational landmines and pitfalls, with a trigger around every corner. I’mContinueContinue reading “How to Create Boundaries for the Holidays”

Five Ways to Save Your Sanity During the Holidays

The holidays can drive us crazy, if we let them. As amazing as the holiday months are, they also come with a lot of stress. Expectations are high, inhibitions are low, and once the alcohol starts flowing anything can happen. Whether you are going to a slew of holiday parties, or spending time alone withContinueContinue reading “Five Ways to Save Your Sanity During the Holidays”

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