10 Heart Healthy Foods to Add to Your Diet

Fight heart disease with tasty foods. In the United States, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death. Cardiovascular diseases like hypertension, heart attacks, and stroke take over 17.9 million lives each year. While this may seem like a daunting statistic, the good news is that heart disease typically takes years to becomeContinueContinue reading “10 Heart Healthy Foods to Add to Your Diet”

16 Complex Carbohydrates to Give You More Energy and Promote Weight Loss

Complex carbs are an important part of a balanced diet. In the past few decades, carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap in popular culture. Low-carb diets like Atkins have convinced the world that the key to losing weight is cutting carbs. While this is a strategy that technically works, it’s not really a good long-termContinueContinue reading “16 Complex Carbohydrates to Give You More Energy and Promote Weight Loss”

Can Coffee Actually Lower Your Blood Pressure?

A new study finds that coffee could actually be good for hypertension. For many Americans, coffee is thought of as a life-giving, day-brightening, necessary component to your morning. Nobody can deny that it gives you plenty of energy, and can even make you feel jittery if you drink too much. The idea that coffee raisesContinueContinue reading “Can Coffee Actually Lower Your Blood Pressure?”

How to treat with common aches and pains as you get older

Dr. Karen Sutton from the Hospital for Special Surgery shares a checklist for understanding aches and pains people feel as they get older and how to find the right care. Recently I appeared on the Today Show to discuss how to cope with and treat the common aches and pains that are associated with growingContinueContinue reading “How to treat with common aches and pains as you get older”

Five Best Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

Deal with stress and anxiety the natural way. Stress is a normal part of life for all human beings, especially in this modern age of technology. Even if you manage to create a relatively stress-free existence in your home, you probably still have to deal with work issues, relationship pitfalls, and health concerns. Pile onContinueContinue reading “Five Best Herbal Remedies for Anxiety”

Can Your Skin Reveal Whether or Not You are Stressed?

Believe it or not, your stress shows on your face. It’s a well known fact that going through major life stressors, like divorce, death, or relocation can wreak havoc on our stress levels, which ages us prematurely. Ask anyone who has gone through a major life upheaval; it shows up in their eyes and canContinueContinue reading “Can Your Skin Reveal Whether or Not You are Stressed?”

Love It or Hate It? Health Benefits of Cilantro

Cilantro is a controversial, yet healthy vegetable. I have to be honest, I love cilantro. Most people in the world either love it or hate it, and there is actually scientific evidence that 14% of people have a genetic variant that makes cilantro taste like soap or dirt. Luckily, I don’t have that particular geneticContinueContinue reading “Love It or Hate It? Health Benefits of Cilantro”

Is Onion Juice the Key to Healthy Hair?

Could onions be the answer to your hair care woes? Recently Cardi B made headlines for suggesting to her fans that onion water was the key to her healthy hair. This set the Internet aflame as people from all over the world began including onion juice into their hair care regimens. Onions are typically knownContinueContinue reading “Is Onion Juice the Key to Healthy Hair?”

Five Best Natural Deodorants for Female Athletes

Just because you like to sweat doesn’t mean you have to smell like it. When it comes to overall health, we should always be mindful of both what we put into, and onto our bodies. As a lifelong athlete, I have tried many deodorants and antiperspirants. I always aim to go for all-natural deodorants becauseContinueContinue reading “Five Best Natural Deodorants for Female Athletes”

10 All-Natural Ways to Alleviate Anxiety

How to fight your anxiety without self-medicating. There is no sugarcoating the fact that we live in very stressful times. Ever since 2020, it feels like we have been living in an alternate reality, or that we’ve been transported into the twilight zone. Previously, our lives were already full of the stresses of careers, relationships,ContinueContinue reading “10 All-Natural Ways to Alleviate Anxiety”

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