How to Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Everyone gets SAD once in a while. It’s that time of year again. The time when winter has been dragging on for a few months and we all get a little stir crazy. While this winter has been relatively mild, especially compared to the pandemic last winter, many people are still feeling the onset ofContinueContinue reading “How to Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder”

Five Vitamins to Get You Through the End of Winter

Supplements can help you survive the cold months. Groundhog day just happened, people. So depending on whether or not you look to a large rodent for all your meteorological concerns, there are either six more weeks of winter, or there aren’t. Regardless, winter can be a difficult time for both physical and mental health. IfContinueContinue reading “Five Vitamins to Get You Through the End of Winter”

7 Mental Health Hacks to Prepare for a Long Winter

Don’t let your mental health suffer this winter. This winter will be unlike any other. Not only are we going to have to contend with unpredictable weather conditions (seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a winter-cyclone-tornado-fire), but a pandemic is raging the globe. So on top of our scheduled seasonal depression, we willContinueContinue reading “7 Mental Health Hacks to Prepare for a Long Winter”

Five Ways to Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder Before it Starts

The weather is changing and SAD is around the corner. I don’t know about you, but every time the weather changes, I catch myself feeling a little down. It’s mostly because I love the outdoors so much, and I know the coming months involve being inside. Compound that with a rising pandemic that is likelyContinueContinue reading “Five Ways to Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder Before it Starts”

How to Safely Get the Most Out of the End of Summer

Cold weather is coming, so enjoy the heat while it lasts. Summer 2020 was hijacked by a global pandemic. Many of us had plans to take long trips, or try out new outdoor hobbies, or be seen in the bathing suits we worked hard to fit into. However, Covid-19 took all that from us, andContinueContinue reading “How to Safely Get the Most Out of the End of Summer”

Five Reasons to Enroll Your Children in Winter Sports

Winter sports are coming. If the crazy weather all over the country is any indication, winter is coming. That means that kids are back in school, which is great. But it also means that they will be spending a lot more time indoors, probably on their devices, which is not great. If you have successfullyContinueContinue reading “Five Reasons to Enroll Your Children in Winter Sports”

Five Positive Ways Weather Changes Can Affect Your Workout

The weather is changing, so our workouts must follow suit. Weather changes are always a treat, aren’t they? This particular season change brings about all things pumpkin spice, the mourning of our summer bodies, some really rough seasonal allergies, and a change in workout regimen During the cold months, it just isn’t possible to workContinueContinue reading “Five Positive Ways Weather Changes Can Affect Your Workout”

Avoiding Seasonal Affective Disorder

This winter, follow these tips to avoid SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder is no joke, especially to those of us who live in the North. Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD), is also known as winter depression. It is characterized by a lack of energy, depression, lost of interest, sleeping issues, and changes in appetite or weightContinueContinue reading “Avoiding Seasonal Affective Disorder”

Knowing the Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder is no joke, especially to those who live in the North. Even though most of us don’t like to admit it, every year the change of seasons often brings with it some symptoms of depression. Every winter the days get shorter, the sun starts to hide its face, and we all startContinueContinue reading “Knowing the Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder”

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