The Importance of Confidence

All the practical and physical skills in the world won't get you very far without confidence. I have been the lucky recipient of confidence from my years of playing sports. My initial journey into sports started as more of a follower who was intrigued by learning new things. I tried many different sports growing up:Continue reading "The Importance of Confidence"

Redecorate Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

The décor in your bedroom affects your sleeping patterns, whether you realize it or not. If you ask pretty much anyone, especially if they have kids, they will tell you the one thing they wish they could have, is a better night’s sleep. Sleep, just like eating and drinking, is absolutely integral to our healthContinue reading "Redecorate Your Bedroom for Better Sleep"

Three Equipment-Free Exercises for Stronger Arms

How to get strong arms quickly, without hitting the gym. Pike pushups- To work your shoulders and triceps, start in a plank position, then walk forward until you are in a pike. Bend your elbows and lower your forehead to your hands, keeping your elbows as close to the body as possible. Raise to starting,Continue reading "Three Equipment-Free Exercises for Stronger Arms"

How to Survive Brazil, The Olympics and ZIKA

There are certain things that Athletes need to consider, when traveling down to Brazil for The Olympics. Obviously with the Zika virus running rampant down there, many people are concerned. These tips should help any wary athletes avoid the virus. READ MORE: How to Avoid the Zika Virus in Brazil Change up the gear!  Short shortsContinue reading "How to Survive Brazil, The Olympics and ZIKA"

How to Avoid the Zika Virus in Brazil

If you are headed down to Brazil for the Olympics, you should follow these tips to avoid the Zika virus. Sun, surf, sand all sound great, but you should add some indoor spectator sports to your trip if you want to avoid Zika.  Mosquitoes carrying Zika will be most prevalent near still, standing water, so tryContinue reading "How to Avoid the Zika Virus in Brazil"

Why Every Runner Should Try Streaking

Streaking, to a runner, means undertaking an extended 'streak' of daily runs. I had my share of crazy days in college, but I have obviously never streaked in the sense of running across an open field naked. Obviously, that kind of streaking is illegal, so I would never publicly recommend it (what you do onContinue reading "Why Every Runner Should Try Streaking"

Five Secrets to Multi-Tasking

Tips and tricks on how to accomplish more with multi-tasking. They often say that multi-tasking actually isn’t possible, because you can only really pay attention to one thing at any given time. I am here to tell you as a working mom, that multi-tasking is not only possible, but necessary. While I believe it isContinue reading "Five Secrets to Multi-Tasking"

Learn How Acupuncture Actually Works

Acupuncture is an oft-misunderstood science. As a surgeon, I am often asked about the differences, drawbacks, and benefits of traditional versus holistic medicine. While I am obviously entrenched in the camp of western medicine, I have found that different methods work for different people, so I like to examine all the different types of healing.Continue reading "Learn How Acupuncture Actually Works"

Understanding the Concept of Power Naps

Power naps can be a powerful tool, if used for good instead of evil. The New York Times recently published an article on “Power Napping on Campus” to bring light to universities offering napping areas for tired undergraduates.   Nap nooks and nap pods were described as the latest rage on the quad. So what isContinue reading "Understanding the Concept of Power Naps"

How to Avoid Overeating with Friends

Tips and tricks to avoid overdoing it when dining with friends. I don’t care how busy your schedule as a working mom is, it is absolutely vital that you make some time to spend with your friends. The stress relief of socializing (not to mention the free therapy) is invaluable for our mental health. ItContinue reading "How to Avoid Overeating with Friends"

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