Five Food Rules to Keep Your Skin Glowing

What you eat has a direct effect on how you look, and how you age. We all want vibrant, glowing skin, but sometimes when we are working a 12-hour shift and have to get home to our babies, it gets kind of hard to care about what your face looks like. Our diets greatly affectContinue reading "Five Food Rules to Keep Your Skin Glowing"

Work Life Balance as an Orthopaedic Surgeon, Part 2

More motherly advice on how to balance your family and career. As any working mother can tell you, balance is deceiving, and it is more of a juggling act than a crisply conducted orchestra. The balls in the air are: children, entrepreneurship, friends, happiness, health, “me”, relatives, spouse, and work. There is no specific orderContinue reading "Work Life Balance as an Orthopaedic Surgeon, Part 2"

Five Signs You Aren’t Getting Enough Protein

Protein is essential for living; these five signs may signal a deficiency. Protein is an absolutely vital part of our bodily functions every day. It’s important for both parents and children, and gives us the energy we need to combat the obstacles of the day-to-day, and the ability to build muscle, and get stronger. SoContinue reading "Five Signs You Aren’t Getting Enough Protein"

3 Ways to Sooth Your Spring Allergies Without Medicine

Tips and tricks on how to defeat the pollen this season. Even though I am a doctor, I understand that there are all kind of remedies out there that don’t involve medicine. If you find something homeopathic or natural that works for you, then why go through the hubbub of going to a doctor andContinue reading "3 Ways to Sooth Your Spring Allergies Without Medicine"

Tips for Moms: Natural Herb Remedies for a Hangover

After a long night out, these natural remedies can help cure your hangover. As women and mothers, we often take on a lot of stress in our lives. Whether you are trying to balance your checkbook, your work and life, or your 10 children, some times we just need to let loose and have aContinue reading "Tips for Moms: Natural Herb Remedies for a Hangover"

Why are banned substances so confusing in professional sports?

A breakdown on banned substances in sports. Amidst the news on Maria Sharapova and failing a drug test, I wanted to shed some light on the logistics behind performance enhancing drugs. Sharapova is the world’s highest-earning female athlete and one of the biggest sports stars. It was announced that she had failed a test forContinue reading "Why are banned substances so confusing in professional sports?"

One Exercise You Should Do Every Day

The yoga squat is an easy-to-do exercise that offers big benefits. With the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, it can often be really difficult to fit exercise into our schedules. One thing people always ask me, is how to fit small increments of exercise into their daily routine. The yoga squat really isContinue reading "One Exercise You Should Do Every Day"

3 Morning Habits To Keep You Optimistic

Staying positive all day is a little easier with these three habits. I can’t tell you how often I am asked how I maintain a positive attitude, even in the most chaotic of times. Being a mother of four and a full-time surgeon is no easy job obviously, and I find it a real challengeContinue reading "3 Morning Habits To Keep You Optimistic"

How to Exercise Safely During Pregnancy

This is an excerpt from an article I wrote with Drs. Lamikanra and Halim on “Female Athletes: Unique Challenges Facing Women Warriors” published in The American Journal of Orthopedics in January 2016. Women in sports can typically continue their athletic regimens during pregnancy.  It is advantageous to do so if medically warranted for both physicalContinue reading "How to Exercise Safely During Pregnancy"

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