How to Create the Perfect Staycation

Weekend staycations are an essential for every busy family. As a working mom, I talk a lot about relaxation, mostly because finding time to relax is the most important thing you can do to keep your work-life-family balance running smoothly. Vacations are obviously the easiest way to relax, but we can’t all up and leaveContinue reading "How to Create the Perfect Staycation"

Can Yoga Help You With Infertility?

One in eight couples experiences fertility issues, but can yoga be a solution? As the mother to multiple children, I am very lucky that I haven’t encountered any issues with fertility. I also know how how much of a blessing children can be, so it is heartbreaking to me when couples who want nothing moreContinue reading "Can Yoga Help You With Infertility?"

In Remembrance of Orlando: Actions to Take if Confronted by an Active Shooter

First off, I want to take a moment to pause and remember the victims of the Orlando shooting. No matter where you are sitting or what you are doing, take a silent moment to yourself in memory of the loss of 49 Americans, who were part of one of the most devastating losses in ourContinue reading "In Remembrance of Orlando: Actions to Take if Confronted by an Active Shooter"

How to Get Rid of Sand after Visiting the Beach with Your Family

Love the beach, but despise sand tracking on your floors, sheets, and bathtubs? I am the first one to raise my hand for an awesome sun-filled day at the beach, but I am a big fan of leaving the sand by the ocean. Here are some great hacks to coming closer to entering a sand-freeContinue reading "How to Get Rid of Sand after Visiting the Beach with Your Family"

Three Signs You Aren’t Taking Care of Yourself

Taking care of your own health is the most important thing you can do. As a working mom, I completely understand how easy it is to get caught up in the whirlwind of the day-to-day, and to completely forget to take care of yourself. When there are so many other people relying on you, itContinue reading "Three Signs You Aren’t Taking Care of Yourself"

Three Times You Shouldn’t Work Out

Working out isn’t always the best thing for every situation. I know this may seem confusing, since I am pretty much always pro exercise, especially when it can be difficult to fit into our schedules, but working out isn’t always the answer to life’s problems. When it comes to your health you have to takeContinue reading "Three Times You Shouldn’t Work Out"

How to Stay Slim on Vacation

Tips and tricks on staying healthy while on vacation. I recently did a post about avoiding digestive issues while on vacation, but another big issue people face while traveling is staying healthy, and specifically, thin. I am the first person to say that while on vacation you should treat yourself, but if you are theContinue reading "How to Stay Slim on Vacation"

An Interview From Sirius XM on Lacrosse

I recently was asked to speak on Doctor Radio on Sirius XM regarding lacrosse injuries and my role with United States Lacrosse. What a great show as the hosts were well informed on lacrosse injuries! This is one of the easiest topics for me to discuss as it lives up to “Doing something you loveContinue reading "An Interview From Sirius XM on Lacrosse"

How to Improve Digestion While Traveling

These tips and tricks will help you fight digestive issues while traveling. Its no secret to anyone that traveling often causes us to have digestive issues. Any disruption of your normal habits can cause issues, but traveling (especially for a vacation) is one time when you really should just relax and not worry about thingsContinue reading "How to Improve Digestion While Traveling"

Can What You Eat Protect You From the Sun?

New ingestible sunscreens can help save your skin this summer. As any mother knows, sunscreen is an absolute must, for every member of the family. The problem is, its hard to get the kids to stay still, we always have to worry about reapplication, and no matter how diligent we are, there are no guaranteesContinue reading "Can What You Eat Protect You From the Sun?"

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