Five Spring Sports for Your Kids

Spring is in the air, so its time for your kids to get active.

youth sports

Winter will be coming to an end soon, and so will the months of being cooped up indoors with your kids. Now I know we all probably loved being run ragged by the energy of youth, constrained to the confines of our homes, but spring brings with it the opportunity for your kids to spend much more time outdoors, so take advantage!

Spring is all about new beginnings, so it’s really the perfect time to get your kids involved in new sports. As you probably know, I am all for youth sports, because the benefits of teamwork, and the skills you learn by participating from a young age will stick with you for life.

So if you are thinking it may be a good time to get your kids into a new sport, but aren’t sure which one to try, here is a short list of great spring youth sports.

Soccer– The best thing about soccer is that it involves a lot of running, so your kids get great exercise (and burn lots of energy). It also helps develop motor skills.

Softball and Baseball- Hand-eye coordination and cardio are the two best things about softball and baseball.

Track and field– If your child is a little more independent, track and field can help them learn about competition, and increase their physical stamina.

READ MORE: Five Signs Your Child Should Quit a Sport

Lacrosse– I may be a little biased, by lacrosse is awesome for boys and girls, and helps improve coordination as well as team building.

Rowing or kayaking– Rowing sports help kids learn teamwork, and provide a great upper body workout, not to mention plenty of opportunities to practice in nature, which is great for kids with anxiety.


Published by karenmsutton

HSS Orthopaedic surgeon in sports medicine | Mother of 4 amazing children | Team physician for USA Women's Lacrosse | ACL injury expert

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