Five Healthy New Years Resolutions

After such a difficult year, resolutions are more important than ever. 2020 has not been a normal year. We have dealt with every kind of problem, from Nazis, to world-wide protests and a pandemic that shut down economies all over the globe. Every year on this date, we tend to give some thought to whatContinueContinue reading “Five Healthy New Years Resolutions”

NYE Resolutions: How to Secure Your Fad Workouts in 2020

Is it even possible to actually keep your resolutions? Every year seems to start out the same way. All you have to do is hit the gym in January to see how packed it is. Then go again in February, and notice how many people don’t honor their resolutions, even a month later. The reasonContinueContinue reading “NYE Resolutions: How to Secure Your Fad Workouts in 2020”

Resolutions versus Goals: Five Fitness Goals for 2020

Resolutions are nothing more than goals. It happens every year. In January, the gyms are filled with motivated, resolution-toting people determined to have a year of change. By February, most people have given up and gone back to their old habits. While I am all for personal improvement, resolutions are most often made with theContinueContinue reading “Resolutions versus Goals: Five Fitness Goals for 2020”

10 Minutes to Change Your Life: NYE Resolutions that are Easy to Keep

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, don’t set yourself up for failure. I am of two minds when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. On one hand they can be an awesome way to motivate yourself in the new year and accomplish new goals, but they can also lead to disappointment and feelings ofContinueContinue reading “10 Minutes to Change Your Life: NYE Resolutions that are Easy to Keep”