What to Do in the Athletic Off Season

For an athlete, rest and recovery is as important as working out. It’s a fact of life that everything happens in seasons. The year is broken down into spring, summer, autumn, and winter. But there is also awards season, football season, bikini season, the holiday season, and of course workout season. One could argue thatContinueContinue reading “What to Do in the Athletic Off Season”

Resolutions versus Goals: Five Fitness Goals for 2020

Resolutions are nothing more than goals. It happens every year. In January, the gyms are filled with motivated, resolution-toting people determined to have a year of change. By February, most people have given up and gone back to their old habits. While I am all for personal improvement, resolutions are most often made with theContinueContinue reading “Resolutions versus Goals: Five Fitness Goals for 2020”

Mood Boosting Foods to Try Over the Holidays

The holidays can be tough on both your waistline, and your mental health. Even though the holidays are supposed to be a happy time, it can be a very difficult time, as well. For people who don’t have great relationships with family, it can be tough. For people who have lost family members, it canContinueContinue reading “Mood Boosting Foods to Try Over the Holidays”

How to Avoid Politics at the Dinner Table

Family dinners are the worst place you can discuss politics. Tis the season for family arguments. We all know this going into the holiday season. While discussing politics at the dinner table is pretty much universally frowned upon, in this political climate it is very hard to avoid. We are living in time when theContinueContinue reading “How to Avoid Politics at the Dinner Table”

Five Ways to Save Your Sanity During the Holidays

The holidays can drive us crazy, if we let them. As amazing as the holiday months are, they also come with a lot of stress. Expectations are high, inhibitions are low, and once the alcohol starts flowing anything can happen. Whether you are going to a slew of holiday parties, or spending time alone withContinueContinue reading “Five Ways to Save Your Sanity During the Holidays”

Winter Workouts That Burn a Ton of Calories

How to keep fit during the holiday months. Thanksgiving is over. Christmas looms on the horizon. Our summer bodies are all but gone, as we trudge up the slow climb between holidays, and fight the onset of seasonal depression. I’m sorry, I know that sounded negative, but its true that the winter months can beContinueContinue reading “Winter Workouts That Burn a Ton of Calories”

How to Maintain Your Sanity as a Very Busy Person, Despite Technology

No matter how busy you are, your mental health should be a priority. As an athlete, an orthopaedic surgeon, and a mother of four, I consider myself to be a very busy person. Honestly, without my Google calendar I would probably melt into a puddle of disorganization. These are modern times, and with the aidContinueContinue reading “How to Maintain Your Sanity as a Very Busy Person, Despite Technology”

Three Ways to Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving isn’t all about political arguments with family members and great shopping deals! The Thanksgiving holiday is upon us. As such, its very easy to fall into family drama. Almost as easy as it is to fall into a tub of mashed potatoes, or a pit of depression, after your great aunt asks you forContinueContinue reading “Three Ways to Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving”

Attention All Coffee Addicts! How to Maintain Your Energy Without Caffeine

If caffeine is your vice, here are a few natural alternatives. There is no denying it, many human beings around the world are fully addicted to caffeine. It starts with a morning coffee once in a while to help you study in high school or college. It ends with you dragging yourself out of bed,ContinueContinue reading “Attention All Coffee Addicts! How to Maintain Your Energy Without Caffeine”

Five Ways to Prepare for Thanksgiving (Mentally and Emotionally)

Thanksgiving can be harmful to your mental health. I love the holidays. As a mom, who generally gets along with her siblings, I feel honored to be able to say that. For many, I know that Thanksgiving and Christmas can be a stressful time, being forced to spend time with relatives you have nothing inContinueContinue reading “Five Ways to Prepare for Thanksgiving (Mentally and Emotionally)”