Three Easy Ways to Improve Digestion

Gut health is very important to overall health. When it comes to our overall health, the digestive system plays a huge role in everything from your daily comfort level, to the proper functioning of your immune system. Neglecting your gut can lead to a slew of disease and syndromes like IBS, SIBO, and Crohn’s disease.ContinueContinue reading “Three Easy Ways to Improve Digestion”

Eight Ways to Improve Joint Health

Your joints are just as important to your health as your muscles and bones. As an orthopaedic surgeon, I can never stress this point enough. Your joints are integral to your overall health and the functions of your body. When it comes to fitness, most people don’t really think about joints very much. They wantContinueContinue reading “Eight Ways to Improve Joint Health”

Fight Stress by Eating? Try These Five Stress-reducing Foods

Did you know you can help fight anxiety naturally? Unfortunately for most of humanity, stress is unavoidable. We feel stress when we wake up and realize we have to work all day, when we get behind on personal projects, when our children decide to randomly turn into untamed beasts, and even when we are justContinueContinue reading “Fight Stress by Eating? Try These Five Stress-reducing Foods”

Healthy Hobbies: Cycling Versus Running

Everyone should adopt a healthy hobby. I don’t care who you are, it is important to make time for hobbies. I always say you should have one hobby that inspires you, and one that keeps you healthy and fit. A friend of mine recently starting taking up cycling, and was amazed by how he wasContinueContinue reading “Healthy Hobbies: Cycling Versus Running”

Meet the Newest Kombucha Alternative

When it comes to fermented drinks, you have options. If you have been following fitness trends in the last few years, or have ever even been inside a yoga studio, you probably know what kombucha is. For those of you who don’t however, kombucha is essentially fermented tea that contains beneficial probiotics and antioxidants. ItContinueContinue reading “Meet the Newest Kombucha Alternative”

7 Ways to Speed Up Recovery After a Hard Workout

Rest and recovery are just as important as any workout. In terms of working out, there are two very important components to consider; the exercise itself, and the rest and recovery period that comes after. Strenuous workouts improve your body because they cause small injuries in your muscle. These tears in the muscle tissue useContinueContinue reading “7 Ways to Speed Up Recovery After a Hard Workout”

Five Ways to Moisturize Naturally this Fall

You should always be mindful of what you put on your face. Even though most of us aren’t ready to say goodbye, summer is coming to an end. This means that the kids are going back to school, the pumpkin spice lattes are storming social media, and as the weather changes, our skin is dryingContinueContinue reading “Five Ways to Moisturize Naturally this Fall”

Five Motivations to Keep You Fit Through the End of Summer

Summer is almost over, but your fitness shouldn’t be. It’s getting to that special time of the year where summer is winding down, and we aren’t as concerned with keeping our bodies in tip-top shape. We are still going on the vacations, but maybe we are spending a little less time at the hotel gym,ContinueContinue reading “Five Motivations to Keep You Fit Through the End of Summer”

Five Natural Remedies for Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes are no way to start the day. When it comes to beauty, the eyes are truly the windows to the face. So when your ‘windows’ are overly puffy, or ringed in dark circles, it can be hard to let your natural beauty shine through. I am a huge proponent of not caring whatContinueContinue reading “Five Natural Remedies for Puffy Eyes”

Fitness Tips: The Importance of Calf Stretching

You never know how important your calves are, until you injure them. It’s a common fitness trope within the workout community that everybody skips leg day. Any time you hit the gym, it’s not uncommon to see a big, muscle-bound person with tiny, underdeveloped calf muscles. I am here to tell you that if youContinueContinue reading “Fitness Tips: The Importance of Calf Stretching”