How to Turn Fitness into a Habit in 33 Days

The only way to truly get fit is to turn exercise into a habit. When it comes to losing weight and maintaining a fit lifestyle, diet will only get you so far. If you a really want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to actually change your lifestyle. The easiest way toContinueContinue reading “How to Turn Fitness into a Habit in 33 Days”

Fitness Fears and How to Work Through Them

Don’t let fitness fears keep you from the body you want. If you aren’t a regular gym-goer, chances are that you may have some mental blocks against it.  Going to the gym, especially if it’s your first time can be really daunting. Unfortunately, in our society fear is a huge motivator, but it also keepsContinueContinue reading “Fitness Fears and How to Work Through Them”

How to Stay Warm During Winter Workouts

Just because the weather is getting cold, doesn’t mean we should stop exercising. I will be the first to admit that the idea of winter conjures all sorts of ideas in my head, including sitting around the fire, drinking hot cocoa (or toddies, if you’re feeling frisky), and eating every piece of sugary food withinContinueContinue reading “How to Stay Warm During Winter Workouts”

Is it Safe to Play Sports While Pregnant?

Pregnancy shouldn’t stop you from maintaining your fitness, but can you play sports? As an athlete, it is super important to maintain your fitness through exercise. It is also really important to participate in your favorite sports, for a myriad of reasons from keeping healthy hobbies, to maintaining interpersonal relationships with your team. As anyoneContinueContinue reading “Is it Safe to Play Sports While Pregnant?”

Six Unwritten Rules of the Gym

If it’s been a while since you have hit the gym, keep these unwritten rules in mind. Winter is almost over, so it’s almost time for people to flock back to the gym in the hopes of regaining the body they lost during these cold winter months. It’s also a great time, if you haveContinueContinue reading “Six Unwritten Rules of the Gym”

How to Sneak in Exercise During the Holidays

The holiday season may be where exercise and fitness go to die, but it doesn’t have to be! I come from a large family, and as such, I understand that the holiday season is pretty much a black hole in terms of fitness and healthy eating. Not only do we have to contend with familyContinueContinue reading “How to Sneak in Exercise During the Holidays”

Study Finds That One-Third of American Pets are Obese

New research shows that pets in America are getting fatter every year. As we all know, the United States is one of the most obese countries in the world. If you are looking for a reason for that, you could blame lax guidelines by the FDA, all the fast food we consume, or the factContinueContinue reading “Study Finds That One-Third of American Pets are Obese”

Can Exercise Make Your Cells Younger?

Studies show that exercise may actually make you younger at a cellular level. As you probably know by now, I am a big proponent of regular exercise. Not only do I think its important to take care of your body, but the mental benefits of a regular exercise program have also been proven. A newContinueContinue reading “Can Exercise Make Your Cells Younger?”

Can Your Friends Affect How Much You Run?

Competitiveness between friends can create more fitness success in your life. I don’t know about you, but I tend to be a solo runner. Since my schedule is so hectic with the kids and job, I often find it hard to work in my runs, and thus hard to schedule those runs with other people.ContinueContinue reading “Can Your Friends Affect How Much You Run?”

How to Have More Energy During Cold Months

The struggle is real when it comes to maintaining energy during winter. This is not a typical year. Most years, especially in the North, February is brutally cold, and brings on feelings of depression, seasonal affective disorder, and general lethargy. It’s in the 60’s today in New England however, but given the recent pattern ofContinueContinue reading “How to Have More Energy During Cold Months”